"Start Up Stand Up" Etkinliğinde Akademisyenlerimiz Seminer Verdi

In the 5th appeal period of the Evreka Pre-Incubation Centre Project Competition organized by Kültür College, our faculty members from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences met with the students as part of the “Start Up Stand Up” events. 

In the event;

- Res. Assist. Mustafa Bekmezci from the Department of Entrepreneurship,  on Wednesday, November 30, “Entrepreneurship Resilience and Sustainability”,

- Assist. Prof. Artur Mumcu From the Department of Entrepreneurship, on Thursday, December 1, “Crowdfunding in Entrepreneurship”,

- Res. Assist.  Taha Yusuf Çakarel From the Department of Entrepreneurship on Friday, December 2, “Business Model Development and Presentation Techniques in Entrepreneurship”

 made their presentations on the aforementioned subjects.

Last Update Date: Mon, 12/19/2022 - 12:00